Isn't it exciting? So much history in the making, right before our very eyes.

First we have Barak Obama, the first African American President of the United States.

Then we have Nancy Pelosi, the first woman Speaker of the House.

And now we have John Boehner, first African American Speaker of the House.
I mean, come on. His skin is two shades darker than President Obama's.
Self tanner.
Yes, but Baehner will go down in history as our first emotionally-secure politician.
but he cries like a woman, so that kills two birds with one, um, tissue.
Haha! My husband calls him "the orange man".
Oompa Loompas have feelings, too.
Thank you for teaching me things. I had no idea about this latest.
Why? Why would a politician need to self tan?
I love how Obama got him to weep during the speech.
Was that gin in front of him?
HA!! Classic.
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