He's not all that old. He's younger than me, in other words. So of course I think that makes him a young spouse. But I suppose that doesn't make for a very good blog name.
Old or young, I happen to know he makes a very good spouse to his wife, also a friend of mine.
I also happen to know this old spouse writes some funny stuff. I hope you will take the time to stop by and welcome him to bloggyville. I think you'll be glad you did.
Your wish is my command.
Thank you, Jenn!
Always like exploring new blogs!
Yep, will do. It's always good to get a recommendation. I hardly ever read any new blogs these days.
Happy New Year! Hope this one brings a stronger economy and better weather.
Would it be too much to also want delicious chocolate that causes weight-loss?
Heading over now! Happy New Year to you and yours.
And no... I have no intention of visiting my closet for any deep dark soul searching. I was just hiding from my kids. Sometimes a cigar is... you know... just a cigar. ;)
I'll go there as soon as I hit the "publish" button.
I'm pretty easy like that.
I like the idea of reading a blog by a guy. I'm in!
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