Monday, September 13, 2010

e-bayte my ass

You know when you have been watching an ebatty item for several days and you wait until the last few seconds to bid, I believe this is called sniping, and then you see that you are currently the winner with barely 3 seconds left?

Your heart is all pounding and you feel all triumphant because the item you won at $54 is actually worth $179? And you have $20 left in the bid kitty? You know that feeling?

But then you refresh the page and see that no, at the very last millisecond, some sneaky, snarky, sniper came in and stole won with $1 more than your top bid? You know that feeling?

So then you content yourself on some primordial level of pettiness with the malicious satisfaction that at least the thief sniper had to fork over an extra twenty bucks at the last second? What is that feeling called?



hokgardner said...

I had to give up on eBay - too stressful.

Green V-Neck said...

Did you know that there are programs that will snipe FOR you? I do love me some ebay, but really only use it for the Buy It Now feature.

Hilarious comic!

Susan said...

I am sure that person was using that sniping software. I personally miss the old eBay when it was all manual and there were no big businesses and buy it nows.

shrink on the couch said...

hokgardner - smart lady, you.

green v-neck - I've heard that, which pretty much rules out the average joe, like myself, from getting steals.

susan - I miss the old ebay, too. Regular folks selling to regular folks.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Would you believe I don't do eBay? Probably because of what you just described.

King of New York Hacks said...

I call it Fudged. ;)

Coffeypot said...

Nope! Sorry! I've never bid on anything...yet.

Real Live Lesbian said...

I'm so addicted to eBay....and yeah, she'll break your heart over and over and over.

Salted with Shadows said...

I'm a total Ebay addict. There's sniping SOFTWARE? Holy crap!

Salted with Shadows said...

I'm a total Ebay addict. There's sniping SOFTWARE? Holy crap!

Kathleen Scott said...

That's as bad as someone cutting you off in traffic and you have to throw on your brakes and curse at them.

Before my old e-mail address was hijacked and then I lost my Paypal password in a computer crash (don't ever lose both at once, the Paypal techs in India WON'T understand your problem), I used to Ebay. It was fun to go out into the world without leaving my room.

bernthis said...

I rarely go on ebay. I have yet to get anything from there that was worth what I paid for it

slow panic said...

best party ever. that made my day. which might be scary.

yeah i hate those last milisecond sniper people. unless i manage to pull it off, then it's all good....

Rachel Cotterill said...

I only use "Buy It Now" these days... I can't be doing with the bidding wars. Good Dilbert :)

Magpie said...

I LOVE that cartoon.

And yeah, ebay sniping? Feh.

andrea frazer said...

OMG that is awesome.

Jason, as himself said...

This is why I just don't even try!

Jennifer said...

eBay stresses me out, too.

Love that cartoon.