Thursday, October 09, 2008

not eccentric

One of the few times in my life I'll ever say this, but I hope ultraconservative George Will is correct.

In yesterday's Washington Post editorial he said of Obama, "it is not eccentric to think he could win at least 350 of the 538 electoral votes."

And of Palin, he referred to her as McCain's "female Sancho Panza."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (snort!)


Mrs. G. said...

Yeah, I'm feeling a little George Will bow tie love myself.

Grandy said...

::Blaming my pain meds::
Off to google Sancho Panza.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Sancho Panza? Perfect!

shrink on the couch said...

mrs g -- bow tie love, a rare craving indeed

grandy -- I didn't immediately remember the reference, myself

jenn -- isn't it?

flutter said...

ohhhh dear

Vodka Mom said...

Haaaa. Loved this post.

Madge said...

I'm with you. This is probably the only time I'll agree with George Will - but yea for him!

Mayberry said...

From his lips to God's ears. JUST THIS ONCE.

Manager Mom said...

I don't agree with George Will often, but I still love the old reactionary.

Ash said...

Love that post card!

