Tuesday, October 14, 2008

save tina fey

Vote for Obama and
keep Tina Fey on this earth.


Kirsetin Morello said...

Now that's an innovative campaign slogan. They ought to pay you!

AnnD said...

Very good idea! I had read that she joked about leaving the planet! I can't believe she would be so bold considering I think Palin is supposed to be joining her for an upcoming skit...well, supposedly!

Queers United said...

hehe, thats cute

Mental P Mama said...


shrink on the couch said...
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shrink on the couch said...

him mom -- I'll pitch it and find out!

ann -- I'm thinking Palin has figured out as much. Or wait. Maybe not.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Any reason's a good one.

Andrea Frazer said...

Tina Fey cracks me up. Great photo.

shrink on the couch said...

jenn -- this is true

andrea -- I think she is hilarious, too. She's an amazing woman, comedian, writer, and actress

Anonymous said...

Nooooo, Fey can't leave! She does a better Palin than Palin. She absolutely cracks me up.

Clever campaign slogan. I like it. :)

I hope the current trends continue and Tina can rest easy with her feet firmly planted on mother Earth. Go Obama!

shrink on the couch said...

leenda -- I hope you're right. The poll numbers do too. Thanks for posting!!

Vodka Mom said...

You can count on me!! I LOVE TINA FEY! ( and Obama....)

Deb Rox said...

I want a new show starring Tina and Rachael Maddow. Then all will be right in the world.

stephanie said...

Brilliant! Will spread the word...

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Anything for Tina. She's the best.

shrink on the couch said...

vodka mom -- I knew I could!

deb on rocks -- me too! a combination of facts & funny

stephanie -- please do!

lisa -- and you all know Palin is going to be on SNL tonight? The host is Josh Brolin (plays GWBush in Oliver Stone's new movie). Should be fun!