10. laundry piles growing taller and more sprawling across my bedroom
9. patio plants not getting watered or fertilized
8. forgetting to schedule kids dental / cavity fixes / ob-gyn appointments
7. fewer (zero) trips to the gym
6. worsening neglect of office finance and billing duties
5. very dirty car, inside and out, and smelly too, even with the cardboard hangups
4. fewer tennis matches despite perfect weather
3. less time engaged in healthy back stretches and yoga poses
2. ever increasing clutter piles of papers, unread magazines, school reports, mail outs
and the #1 way blogging is ruining my life:
1. less sex with husband, who seems clueless and entirely disinterested in my newfound addiction. Smart man, I think? Only one blogger allowed per household, right?. Still, gotta work on this one. Who cares about the patio plants, anyway?
Loved these!!
My husband claims we never spend time together - e.g., have sex due to my blogging passion. However, it used to be that he would be watching TV and I would be cuddled with a book on most evenings. So, my interpretation is different.
However! My laundry, housecleaning, exercise, reading time is negligible due to blogging. Or, I like to think so. I've never been a top notch housekeeper truth be told...
ha. you have not yet begun to blog!
I'm thinking your sex life would improve if he would read your blog!
Insert "kids" for "blogging" -- or wait, how about multiply "kids" by "blogging" and increase the list to 20 and you've got me covered!
Funny list...
P.S. Thanks for coming by my blog! :)
you must be reading blogs ... cause your posts aren't long enough to claim less sex!!
i vote no laundry or house plants, more blogging and sex .....
jck - the marriage of dueling screens, I know it well.
laurie - It only gets worse?
jenn - aha! the cobbler's husband has no shoes.
Yeah I'd go along with all those things except sex. I tend to blog during the day when I should be doing work, or housework - I am not prone to having sex then. Sadly! Not for a very long time has daytime sex been a regular part of my everyday life!
But blogging is great - far more fun than housework, gardening, cooking, etc. But it isn't more fun than sex.
stacy - welcome! and thanks for commenting. definately having kiddos is enough to keep the laundry piles mounting. who knows, maybe now that I'm not chasing toddlers anymore, blogging is a timely substitute distraction from healthy intimacy that I'm now freed up to get?
e - I write verrrrry slowly. And did you not see my "please sir" post? a veritable sexual manifesto.
rb - definately not more fun than sex. but we are day trippers here. have to be. he's a morning person and I'm a night owl.
Hee hee, that's funny. I had to stop blogging for a few months last year due to my crazed work timetable and being completely dog tired at night when I blog.
Damn near killed me! I understand your addiction completely, it's a real creative outlet for me and it's great to "meet" people like you!
alison, I do wonder how long I'll be able to "keep this up." I know some of you are laughing.
Ah, but once you get your husband blogging, too, then you'll have something new to talk about with each other and your sex life will spark back up. Trust me.
haha, these are great. In my case, my poor puppy has been getting more and more neglected. He doesn't seem to agree that opening up the balcony for him counts as going "oustide" (smart dog that one) hehe :)
casey - I've just now gotten my husb to READ his emails. He has yet to reply to any. So the blogging thang just ain't gonna happen, I'm sad to say.
feministgal - I had a couple little dogs who had to settle for their evening walks on the balcony. not proud, just saying.
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