Marry him for his health insurance plan? BernThis posted about a couple who did just that. It's becoming almost commonplace these days.
My husband's first marriage? They tied the knot in his hospital room. A marriage destined for good times, right?
He needed emergency abdominal surgery for a chronic illness and her health insurance (group) had a much lower deductable than his (individual). So they moved their wedding date AND the location. Eventually both insurance plans kicked in and they made out like bandits. Nice wedding gift (unlike my wedding gift from hell).
I believe this double-coverage windfall has been nixed by the crafty (we make the money here, not you) health insurance industry but it worked for them.
And me? Wife number two? All I have to show for it is a husband with a scarred belly and a mediocre story for my blog.
Hmmm... now I'm wondering if my husband married me because I have better insurance. Well, you know, that and because he has overwhelming, undying love for me and all that.
Scary times....
I've watched many friends cry these past weeks, not over losing their jobs, but the insurance.
So scary.
I say good for them. I guess. The marriage obviously wasn't a success. Which is good for you.
I liked the story!
I've been without insurance for 20 years. I wish I could find a partner with insurance, or a job even:)
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
And still there are those that say we can't afford national health care--I say we can't afford not to do it.
blognut -- for your award winning personality, of course!
mental -- scary and sad.
lisa -- I lay awake nights wondering if one day we choose between paying our kids' college tuition or our health insurance premiums.
jason -- yes, good for me (and him? I hope he'd agree.)
kelli -- ouch. although mine isn't much better. copays and deductable so high I stay away from the doc as much as possible.
dr. deb -- fortunately they planned to get married anyway, but marrying in a hospital room would have to be the pits.
jenn -- and proof that the squeakiest lobby get the grease.
but you had a picture of luke and laura! what could be better?
Health insurance is so not romantic. Practical, but not romantic.
this insurance issue I dare say is keeping together more than a few retired or retiring couples... it's like a dowry... I have an acquaintance who has the insurance and her husband miraculously just ended an affair and is staying with her. Definitely scary and sad.
oh my gosh this is so timely! my partner and i decided to get married about being together for 6+ years mostly because we will be moving and i will be back at school with minimal health coverage... there are lots of other reasons this is a good time for us to wed, but health care was definitely at the top of the list :)
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