But the current season? I'm excited. (I know, get a life, right?)
American Idol is packed with talent. Originally I was pulling for Megan (not to be confused with calling in and voting) because I liked her unique, jazzy, riffy style. (In the picture? That's a tatoo arm, not a sleeve).
But she pretty much dropped the ball, again and again, especially her last number. I love Bob Marley but she picked one of his least known songs, "Turn Your Lights Down Low."
But she pretty much dropped the ball, again and again, especially her last number. I love Bob Marley but she picked one of his least known songs, "Turn Your Lights Down Low."
Let's put it this way: Her performance didn't generate any new fans for the Marley family.
I was hoping she'd pick Maria Muldaur's, Midnight at the Oasis, or something by Phoebe Snow. But oh well. Too late now.
So at this point for me? It's all about Adam. He's got the whole package: amazing voice range (is that alto?) and a look that says sexy rock star.
I just can't decide which Adam I like fueling my fantasy looking at best:
Picture 1: Emo

Picture 2: Elvis

Picture 3: Soul Patch

How about you, reader? Which Adam revs your engine? Take the poll:
Normally soul patches make me want to grab a pair of tweezers and clean the guy up, but the soul patch picture of Adam makes me want a cigarette. HOT!
I'm impressed with his chameleon style AND his voice.
I think I'm the only person on the planet who doesn't watch this. Seriously.
That boy - I could eat him with a spoon. I think last nite he was a combo of all three. I also loved his version of Satisfaction. Could do without the literal soul patch. Yes... I too need to get a life.
blognut -- me too. most of them make me want to offer the guy a washcloth.
jenn -- yes, he's really exciting to watch. who will he be this time?
mpm -- you're just not as culturally sophisticated as some of us, apparently ; )
margo -- yes, satisfaction was goood. I didn't like "play that funky music" AT ALL, unlike the rest of the universe.
I think Adam plays for the other team...just sayin'
This year is a tough competition. We will see who goes home tonight!
I'm with Becca...that said, great voice/talent and most likely in Top 3, but I prefer to look away.....
He has a great voice and he is the best performer on the show this year. He is definitely the whole package.
When I first saw him I thought he looked like a cross between David Cook (AI winner last year) and Joe Jonas. Very hot.
I do agree with Becca though!
i've loved him from the beginning .... he can really sing and his voice and vibe and style are what i like ... i'd buy his album ... but that chick you liked? ick ... she was too yodelly .... glad she's gone .....
i do think this is the best season in a long while ... they had no huge losers this go round ... everyone was decent in the top 12 ... makes it more fun to watch ....
Where is the, I can't stand him choice? It's not showing up. Mark me down as that. :)
becca -- oh absolutely (buzzkill!)
mark -- now that scott has been sent home, next will be anoop and then probably kris .. but it will be really hard after that
reinvent dad -- I can respect that position : )
imom -- to prove how out of touch I am, I had to look up Joe Jonas. When I saw him, I thought, Duh, Jonas Bros! But yes, I had the same thought awhile back. Adam looks like the really cute Jonas brother.
ebeck -- in the beginning I thought he was just a pretty boy but he has sure shown he's got what it takes vocally and confidence to strut his stuff in front of the cameras.
paul -- not at all? ever? I really hated his rendition of "play that funky music" but this last song? I got chills.
OMG I love love love Adam!! His interpretation of Mad World on Tuesday (although quite similar with Gary Jules' version) was unique and FREAKING AWESOME!! Why do they even bother continuing with the show?? He is the obvious winner, by far!!
Too bad I can't see him here! I'm liking the soul patch look tho tee hee.Er sorry. Just went off with the soul pixies...
I haven't been enjoying this season. I tivo it and fast-forward through most of it. "American Idol in seven minutes or less!" and this week didn't even watch the results show, just looked it up online to see who got booted. I don't like the new format. I do like Adam, though. I didn't at first, but now he's the only reason I keep watching!
allie -- he seems the clear winner to me, too.
alison -- he is fun to look at. he also seems to be very appreciative of the praise he is getting.
wendi -- Tivo is the way, wish I had it. To skip thru all the garbage and time fillers. As for not liking Adam in the beginning ... that is exactly how I felt .. didn't like him at first, thought he was just another pretty boy with too much hair product. But he sure has some wild and surprising vocals.
Okay...first of all...I'm 2 weeks behind you over here and all I can say is THANK GOD Becca is gone! That just hurt me to watch her/listen to her. Of all the people that had advanced that far, she (IMHO) definitely did NOT belong.
Adam? Jeezus, Mary and Joseph that boy is incredible! Someone made a comment somewhere else that she wished he would do some Zeppelin...he could rock that!
And soul patches? oh yeah. I'm one of the few, it seems, that actually like the silly, sometimes sexy things. I have BEGGED kiyoshi to grow one...but, being Japanese and having very little facial hair, it's a no-go and I'm stuck with just my fantasies!!
Well, as we don't get to see this, I don't know Adam from well...Adam...but I'll vote for the soul Adam anyway...although I'd have to shave off that landing strip on his chin.
Well, he's not the worst.
After reading all these pro Adam comments, I'll admit that one of us might be wrong. Me or The World. :)
Well, he's pretty cute, even though he's not my type. And I don't watch the show, so I haven't a CLUE about anything except these pictures.
i'm NOT voting... YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!!
Damn, growing up we had a word for a guy that looked like that.......Its not PC though ;)
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