My tween daughters started junior high this year. Lots of new faces. Recently, one of them spent the day with a new friend.

When she got home, she volunteered, "I think you would like Stacie's mom."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah. You're both a lot alike."
I took the bait.
"How are we alike?"
"You both get mad easy."
Ah. I'll be sure to hook up with her, then.

that sure would be fun....
Oh, the many joys of raising tweens. Is it too juvenile to suggest actually inviting the other mom out for lunch? It was her idea, after all. :)
HA! In that case I would be friends with everyone! :)
But yeah, I'd invite her for coffee just to annoy my kid. And if you do hit it off, it's another pair of eyes on your kid. Just sayin'..
Oh yay. I can't wait until mine says something like that.
i like when my kid tells me i look fat. that's my fav.
I'm sure she said it wrong. She left out all the parts about the mutual smarts, the mutual kindness...
Well, you are lucky really. My children always say I am far crabbier than any of the parents of their friends. I try to explain that parents are probably trying to be on their best behaviour and don't nag about the state of bedrooms etc when they have visitors but the boys just snort at me as if I am talking rubbish yet again.
I'd like Stacie's mom, too;)
I love that clay art, that's really cool.
These are the times of your life...*sigh*
talk about a back-handed compliment...
My daughter's friend said to me, "you know Miss Stacie, you're the mean mommy in the neighborhood." To which i replied, "Badge of Honor, my Dear. Badge of Honor."
So... do two people who get mad easily get along? Or, do they hate each other?
That is hysterical.
You and I would get along well!
I love the art here...and your daughter's perception not only of you but of what you'd connect to in a new galpal. Sheesh!
I'm glad that I won't have to deal with any comments like that for a looooooong time. The sperm hasn't even reached the egg yet in my house, so kids are a long way off.
By the way, do you fancy joining an online book group over at my blog? Come over to my blog and read the post "Book group, anyone?" if you're interested, and suggest a book you'd like to read.
okay...so that group of people who would all be really good friends just keep getting bigger and bigger, doesn't it? :-D yeah yeah yeah...count me in too!!
Think of the party we could have!!!
I'd LOVE to see more of that clay artistry...very cool!!
Love the art, especially the birds and trees. Her website is great!
I'm like Stacie's mom too, except my daughter says I'm the meanest mother ever. :)
Kinda makes me glad I have dogs. Again.
I love the clay!!!! Amazing!
just wanted you to know that I mentioned you and your blog on my blog today!
Isn't it fun that we are all the meanest mom in the world? It's kind of a "more the merrier" thing!
No wonder we're all such good cyberfrieds.
If you're lucky, your daughter will get the clay artist to make you a BAD MOM sculpture.
this sounds relatively sweet compared to the things my 17 yo says to me recently. What does that mean, doc? Maybe you and this other mad mother should start a claymation show and call it "Mad Moms"
Still waiting on hubby shoe description...
Pfftt... Daughters!
I think it is a badge of honor too!
HA! Not quite what you had hoped for, was it?
Love that clay art!
Maybe you could invite the other mom over for wine, and darts.
お友達な状態です!!楽しいメールしたいので、はるによっかたらメールしてください♪ lovuv-555@docomo.ne.jp
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