"Basic fairness and constitutional equal protection were the linchpins of Friday’s historic Iowa Supreme Court ruling that overturned a 10-year-old ban on same-sex marriage and puts Iowa squarely in the center of the nation’s debate over gay rights."
Read the full story in the DesMoines Register, here.
And if there are any Iowa readers who wish to support same sex marriage rights? Click here for instructions to contact Governor Culver and tell him how you feel.
I've always believed that marriage was about love and committment, not about what sex you are. So go Iowa.
Hip hip hoo-ray for the midwest! My prediction is that either Minnesota or Vermont will be next.
fantastic. Love makes the world go round.
Go Iowa!
yay for Iowa. I still want someone who opposes gay marriage to explain to me how it affects my hetero marriage in any way
I don't know much about Iowa, obviously, because I wouldn't have ever guessed they would be the next to end the madness.
Thanks for posting about this.
Yeah! this is good news.
About time! This should not even be an issue at this point in time.
brigit -- yes. it IS about love. man/woman shouldn't have the monopoly on making a loving and legal committment.
heather -- and 47 states after those : ) seriously, I wonder how many states will "go gay" before the entire nation embraces the GLBT rights?
jason -- I felt similarly surprised. But also extremely optimistic. Ditto with Vermont.
becca -- I am waiting for the same, but we won't hear it because it's an empty arguement.
jason -- Every presidential election they are the beacon, so perhaps they're going to lead us in same sex marriage rights, too.
mark -- Americans are clearly behind the times here. Yet I'd say we hold a collective view of ourselves as leaders in innovative thinking? Not true here.
cheri -- me too. Pass a giant Q-tip to CA please.
i LOVE him ....
never loved her though ... too yodely!
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