Me to SAM: "I'll be right there, honey!"
I just want to check my blog real quick.. See if I've gotten any new comments today. And then I'll be off. Real fast, like.
Ooh, look at this. Several comments to be moderated. Goodie! Now, who is that? Somebody new. I need to click over and check her blog real quick. Leave a comment of appreciation.
Oh and while I'm here, let me just check on a couple of my favorite blogs. The regulars. Just a couple (look over my shoulder, see SAM reading his newspaper). Ah good. He hasn't noticed. Maybe three or four, real quick ones.
But wait, this is a long post. Hmm, let's see. Looks interesting. Haha. She sure has a way with words.
Read a few (dozen) witty comments.
And who is that? What a clever profile name. I bet she's got a worthwhile blog. Let me check out that one before I close out the window....
SAM (20 minutes later, sounding extra irritated): "Coffee, what are you DOING? Are you coming or not?!?"
Me: "Oops. Sorrrrrrrr-eeeeeeeee. I'll be there in just a sec."
Just need to finish this one post...........
I think we can all relate. I don't know what to do with all this blogging guilt.
(Hey! There's a new field in mental health...)
lol...i can totally relate to this. there is always one more thing to check. i think maybe i blog in my sleep.
just one more, just one more...
lisa -- I'm on it. I can advertise my newfound calling.
merelyme -- Hey there! long time no read. I've had bloggy dreams, yes I have.
madge -- yes, and I said that 15 blogs ago : (
Yes, it is EXACTLY like this.
That picture is amazing. I'm checking out that site.
Nope. Never done that. Especially the profile thing. Wouldn't dream of it.
Blogging and blog reading is SO addictive. I used to read like 3 blogs, now the list gets longer everyday and then once I check them in the morning, I have to keep checking periodically to see if someone said something that will change my life. :)
I can certainly relate. Except it is usually my sleep that suffers.
I'm with Nora - my sleep suffers.
And dinner may not get cooked in a very timely fashion.
Definitely can relate and the guilt? It leads me to "give up blogging" every once in a while. I might make it a couple of months, but I always come back. It's a cycle I've been in for at least 6 years.
The story of my life;)
LMAO! That is so me!
Just one more...
Or, "no honey, I'm paying bills..."
Stop talking about my life.
Five minutes turn into a couple of hours easily.
The lies we tell ourselves . . . I'll just check really quickly.
sounds just like my kids. grrr.
lol, that's what we all do.
Liked your blog at the first sight :)
Yep, that's all of us here at Rancho Barton. We call the internet "the rabbit hole," and we fall down it all the time.
I totally have the same conversations with my hubby!!!
jck -- I was drawn to the picture, also.
melissa -- your "hand" pic goes well with your comment : )
cortney -- yes, always looking for those epiphanies here too!
nora -- oh yes, the sleep suffers too. sometimes the "I'll be right there, honey" is a call to the bedroom!
mary -- yep, I've done a few stove top burns and boil overs as a result of this hazardous habit.
onebrick -- yep, yep. I definately get a case of the guilts on a routine basis, esp where the kids are concerned.
mental p -- I knew I wasn't alone in this.
real live -- yes, I need to ban those thoughts from my computing vocabulary
magpie -- unfortunately I don't do bills online, so that's one excuse I can't hide behind
andrea -- um, ok. but will it help? any of us?
helena -- I am always surprised at how fast time goes by. Sometimes when I am waiting for a pot to boil or the timer to go off for the oven, I decide to blog, "that'll make time go by in a zip"
jenn -- I prefer to call them teeny delusions
katy -- good point. and ouch!
sunny -- thanks! and thanks for stopping by.
casey -- rabbit hole, that's excellent way to describe it
dr. deb -- I'll tell my Dh its a psychologist thang. I'm sure that'll make the pill go down easier. Yeah, right.
Yeah, I am pretty obsessed with my blog and checking up on those that I love. I always intend to just pop on and pop off and then the same thing happens to me!
OH! So true! Well said.
Exactly like that. That picture is fantastic! Love it.
I've gotten AWFUL about visiting people who have checked out my blog. You see - I'm the worst kind of blogger. The one who wants comments but who doesn't want to work to get them!
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