Tuesday, October 21, 2008

wtf? or, wherefore art thou, comment prompt?

For some reason, when I view my last post, I can only see my comment prompt some of the time. One minute I view my blog and I see it, the next minute I don't.
By the way, since the day before yesterday I am feeling pretty free with the words, WTF.
SAM and I went to see Burn After Reading.
I wonder if anyone did a tally of the number of times Malkovich alone used the phrase.

But about the movie. I liked it. Didn't love it. It had some very funny moments. It had a plot that kept you guessing. Brad Pitt's peformance kept feeling a little too hammy. As for Malkovich, I thought he was mindblowingly funny. Worth the price of matinee admission for that alone. But the rest of the time I kept thinking, "shoulda rented."
Back to my original question. WTF? Are any readers NOT finding the comment prompt?
And no, this is not a pathetic attempt to prompt readers into commenting. Ok, well, maybe. I mean, if it works, then ok.

But seriously, I ask my blogspot experienced friends, WTF? Ever had this happen?
UPDATE: I just viewed this post... the comment prompt is there. But on the real maverick post, it's not. WTF???


Heather T said...

I am having no trouble seeing your comment box. Ever. So I'll just keep leaving you comments with no troubles.

Damn, I was hoping I could work in a WTF in there somewhere. Oh. OH!

Mental P Mama said...

I left a maverick comment. WTF???

shrink on the couch said...

heather -- thanks. the most important thing is the readers can see it.

mental p -- TYTF! (thank you the fuck!)

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Malkovich was classic in the flick. His WTF made me laugh...

AnnD said...

I've never had trouble seeing your comment stuff!

WTF?! You always have tons of comments! Why are you so worried about it?! WTF?!

Just kidding.

planet trans said...

You used wtf 3 times and then one HUGE WTF. How did you get that one so big. I could really use that technology:)

e.beck.artist said...

i slid on down to your last bunch of posts and, wtf, every single comment spot was there ...
are you hallucinating?

shrink on the couch said...

lisa -- I really liked his opening scene best. And what was the first thing he did when he got home? haha. he showed them!

ann -- its an addiction. NEED.MORE.NEVER.ENOUGH.

kelli -- there's a little font sizer on the buttons. left hand side of the menu header, maybe right next door to the font menu? I'll look next time I write a post and post better directions.

e -- I still cannot see the prompt on that ONE post. I guess the McCain camp is up to their tricks again.

JCK said...

No problems here. But, that IS the stuff that drives me over the edge when it happens to me.

Anonymous said...

I can see it fine. There are a couple of blogs I visit where it sometimes disappears and I never know why, but I don't think it has ever happened here.

I don't say that thing that you kept saying. Funny how we have things we do and don't say. I think I am contrary and avoid things that have become trendy!

laurie said...

blogger was weird for me yesterday afternoon too.

not just comment props, but everything on my sidebar kept vanishing.

Trying real hard to move on said...

I liked the movie a lot. I am a big fan of sick humor, though. I loved John M's boss and the CIA director. George Clooney was a pig. A very tasty pig but still a pig. I am hyper-sensitive to married people screwing around though. Imagine that. :)

shrink on the couch said...

jck -- thanks for saying so. there are several little bugs that pop up from time to time. I often wonder if I just haven't figured it out yet or whether these bugs happen to seasoned bloggers.

rb -- I do say this out loud more often than I'd care to admit.

laurie -- thank you too for validating my blog craziness. I still can't see the prompt when I view my entire blog. so its a glitch of an odd sort.

trying -- I thought the CIA boss wrap up was hilarious. and trying to find the moral lesson in it all.

Kirsetin Morello said...

Add me to the rest - I can see the comment prop here (obviously) and also on the 'real maverick' post.

Based on the above, I think I'll wait for the rental - thanks! And, Mental P Mama, thanks for the laugh. Very witty!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I felt EXACTLY the same way about "Burn after Reading."

shrink on the couch said...

hip mom -- maybe my opinion has more to do with high expectations. such a great cast plus the Coen Bros.

jenn -- I'm curious, since you saw the movie too (and "trying")... I could swear that Malkovich's robe was gaping open when he got out of his car with the hatchet. do you remember that?

Slutty McWho? said...

I saw "Burn after Reading" and had the same opinion as you did: Good, but not great. In fact, now that several weeks have passed, I can't even remember much about it, so that makes it appear even less spectacular. Definitely a huge disappointment. I didn't really care about any of the characters. Most of them were obnoxious, except for the one played by that woman who was in Fargo.....Just looked her up on Wikipedia: Frances McDormand. Wow, I didn't realize that she is actually married to Joel Coen. You learn something new every day.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

First, love your blog and I will be a daily visitor. Looks like blogger did some changes and messed up a few people's blogs yesterday, guess I didn't get the memo.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Suzie said...

Go to settings then go to comments blogger changed it to inverted comments or some sh*t like that change it back. That should clear it up.

shrink on the couch said...

slutty -- I thought Frances was a little over the top, too. Its like they were going for frenetic and I didn't care for it.

katherine -- thank you, thank you! I love the words "daily visitor" : )

suzie -- thanks for the instructions. I'll give it a try. First to remember the instructions and THEN try it.

HP said...

Pretty much love anything Malkovich does so must check this out.