Tuesday, October 21, 2008

will the real maverick please stand up

Or, well, sitting down on Meet the Press works, too.

Don't you know Tim Russert was smiling big on Sunday morning?


Mental P Mama said...

And how I do miss him....

Queers United said...

props on the great post title, so true!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Russert...I miss him terribly on Sunday mornings.

shrink on the couch said...

mental p - meee toooo. sunday mornings just aren't the same.

queers -- thanks! but, what does props mean? WTF? ; )

lisa -- yes. sigh. he had more warmth and genuineness in his smile than all of the news people put together.

bernthis said...

Colin Powell is probably the only smart one out of the bunch, he LEFT politics. I can't stand any of them. I'm an Obama supporter but honestly, if you read the papers they all had their little hands greased and it sickens me.

Magpie said...

Yeah. That was a good moment.