Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
congratulations phillies!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
feel em, baby
You know you want to.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Do your share for healthy breastesses by visiting Monkeys and Princesses. She is having a giveaway so that she can giveaway more bloggy income to breast cancer research.
Give up more than the obligatory click so she can give up more to the cause (meaning, check out a few of her other posts).
You've got until October 31st! Now get over there and GET FELT UP!
Monday, October 27, 2008
hangover cures

Friday, October 24, 2008
sex video for real women

Last Warning: This video could lead to pregnancy. Not the skills or activities presented in the video but activities that are likely to occur directly afterward. I gave the video as a gift at a white elephant party. Several months later the recipient of the gift showed up at the next party pregnant with her third child. And with a big smile on her face, I might add.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
wtf? or, wherefore art thou, comment prompt?

But seriously, I ask my blogspot experienced friends, WTF? Ever had this happen?
will the real maverick please stand up
Don't you know Tim Russert was smiling big on Sunday morning?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
you and your partner's name - sound the same?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
latest craze! the chocolate diet and exercise program!

Who's with me?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
aggie loss, my gain
It was an extremely tension filled moment. One might say agonizing. The Aggies were playing Kansas State University at Kyle Field with 78,000 fans packed in. We were down 20 points, late in the 3rd quarter. The spectators sitting next to us, a white haired man and his young granddaughter, had already left in disgust, leaving behind a half eaten bag of M&M Peanuts. Or so we thought. I moved my seat over, giving us remaining fans more room.
SAM and I had come to the game armed only with our water bottles, determined not to spend a small fortune on overpriced stadium refreshments. No snacks for us. No sireebob.
I had moved my seat over, in order to make more room for the fans on the other side of us. This is when I spied the abandoned M&Ms.They proved too much of a temptation, this perfect compromise to our "no snack" rule. On impulse, I went for the quarterback sneak. I leaned over like I was picking up my water bottle. But no, I scooped up the remaining M&Ms instead.
SAM and I laughed. Look at us. Two dumpster divers chomping away on a small child's throwaways. Unlike the Fighting Texas Aggies, we had no pride. We polished off that bag in no time.
Early in the 4th quarter, to my great vexation, the grandpa and his unsuspecting granddaughter returned. Oh no, I thought. Where is the empty bag? Where is the evidence of my thievery? What will I do if she asks, "Papaw, where's my candy?!" And the fact that I had moved my seat over. I was the likely perpetrator. The old man will know.
And then I remembered. M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand.

I signaled my husband into conspiratorial silence.
The little girl started to look under her seat. Grandpa began looking under his seat, too. And mine.
I thought I heard the man mention the Aggie program. Which was under SAM's seat. We handed it over, apologizing for having usurped the program in his absence. Looks of mock honesty on our faces. Hoping this was, indeed, what they were searching for.
But no. Grandpa offered to let us have the program. "I've got another one."
"Thanks" we both said in unison, a little too enthusiastically for the size of the gesture, our anxiety returning over the fate of the missing bag of candy.
The best defense is a good offense, I decided. Divert their attention back to the game. SAM and I shouted out encouragement to the Ags. DEFENSE, AGGIES!!! HOLD 'EM!!!
But my peripheral vision, growing ever more acute, was eyeing the small child as she haphazardly rooted under the seats.
The Wildcats were about to score. Grandpa pacified her restlessness, "We'll leave after Kansas scores this touchdown."
Score, I thought. Score and get it over with.

And score they did. Putting the Aggies deeper into their hole.
But I was relieved. Piece of shit fan that I was. Piece of shit human being who steals candy from a baby.
I watched Grandpa and the little girl exit the aisle. For good this time. I was spared.
The Aggies lost 44-30. But who cares. My dastardly deed went undiscovered.
She didn't need the rest of those M&Ms anyway. Bad for her teeth. Right?
Thursday, October 09, 2008
not eccentric
In yesterday's Washington Post editorial he said of Obama, "it is not eccentric to think he could win at least 350 of the 538 electoral votes."

And of Palin, he referred to her as McCain's "female Sancho Panza."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (snort!)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
first car and bumper sticker prophecy

But once I figured it out, once I got over the learning curve, that was all she wrote. I loved that car. I loved shifting gears. I loved the freedom. No more borrowing from the 'rents. I always had a ride. I was the ride.

What was your first car?
First bumper sticker?
Sunday, October 05, 2008
fall colors texas style

Blue plumbago.

These are called Oxblood Lillies. Or Schoolhouse Lillies, as my mother-in-law calls them, because they only bloom during the early fall.

Friday, October 03, 2008
story of a marriage
told in book titles.
Magpie Musing gave me the idea this morning. And her sister-in-law gave her the idea to give The Sorted Books Project a try.
So here is a book stack from my home and a story of a marriage.
It begins with a book I haven't read. I won it from Jenn at Juggling Life (thanks again, Jenn), a giveaway of her first paid book review.

And it ends with a library book I've also yet to read.
It just so happens I've been reading a run of novels with the theme of infidelity. It began during my summer vacation with a book on my mom's shelf, Joanna Trollope's Marrying the Mistress. I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked it. That led me to try more Trollope.
Each one I grabbed off my local library shelf, so far, involves someone stepping outside of the marriage and the effects on everyone around them. Someone Else's Children was very good. Helpful insights for parents of blended families. I finished my third last night, The Best of Friends, but wasn't as bowled over.
At this moment, Second Honeymoon sits on my bedside table, waiting for me to start it. If anyone has read it and wants to tell me if it's worth my while, I'd very much welcome opinions.
So what story do your book stacks tell?
Thursday, October 02, 2008
therrapy thursday

p.s. the sign under McDoc's says, "Fast answers to complicated questions!"
Thanks to the colleague who sent this to me. Whose organizational services I desperately need for myself.