e from e.beck.artist asked what my son is learning from his healthy choices class. I wish I could say he comes home each day excitedly rattling off the day's itinerary.
Not even close.
He walks in the door, hangs up his back pack, skulks through the kitchen mumbling about how hot the schoolbus was, and then disappears down the hallway to merge with his youtube account. An hour later he surfaces and heads for the snack drawer.
"How was school?"
"Fghggghh," he mumbles, or something close to that.
Today I risked asking what he learned new and exciting in his sex ed class.
Maybe I should have left off the "new and exciting" part.
So to decipher what he's been filing away in his gray matter, I've had to mostly settle for reading between the lines of a few questions he'd asked over the past couple days . One question he asked his dad and one he asked me. In that, do-you-know-the-answer-to-this-question style of (confirming he's smarter than us) communicating.
1. The daughter of a teen mother is more likely to:
a. wait until she is older before she has a baby
b. become a teen mother herself

2. The teen boy who gets his teen girlfriend pregnant is more likely to:
a. marry her because he knows its the right thing to do

And then he added, "It's so stupid. Noone believes it." (That's my boy.)

Oh, and I thought up a possible explanation for the peculiar seating.
If they were seated girl,boy,girl,boy, what you might get is wiggling red-faced teenagers, with no real paying attention or asking questions.
If they were seated all boys together, it might turn them into homosexuals, OR, it becomes too likely they will egg each other on and dissolve into a snickering fest.
But this way, (girl,girl,boy,boy, girl,girl) the school district is clearly laying the groundwork for threesomes OR wanting each child to sit with a girl and boy on either side. This way, each girl has a girl companion sitting next to her, for comfort sake, but then a boy on the other side to keep things upright and serious.
By the way, if you guessed "b" for each answer, you too can be a jr. high sex ed teacher.