So far we've had afternoons of swimming at West Enfield, Deep Eddy (below) and Barton Springs Pools. Swimming is not an option, but a necessity, in these June "we've already hit 100 degrees" temps.

The oldest pool in Texas, Deep Eddy Pool is located close to downtown. Like Barton Springs and Enfield Pools, Deep Eddy is spring fed, making for an ultra-refreshing dip. It's also a great place to people watch and catch the latest trends in men's fashionable summertime headwear:

This weekend? We're beating the heat with our annual girls-plus-kids weekend trip for the second best kind of poolside relaxing, here.
And this year I'll be packing the prickly. Normally reserved for martyr syndrome intervention, I'm feeling the need for a little self-administered liquid therrapy.

I will add a major, energy saving modification. The pears can be frozen in the freezer, taken out the morning of your therrapy appointment, placed in a plastic container and left to thaw in your fridge. Retrieve a few hours later to find the dark purple juice oozing from the pears, ready to be strained and poured into the drink of your desire. Much easier.
I could use some liquid therapy as summer is about to hit our neck of the woods. PPP margarita sounds quite refreshing. I too love to people watch, but was that a guy in a speedo? Yikes..perhaps he's visiting from overseas.
RDad - yes, a speedo. Not an uncommon sight here in Austin at Deep Eddy and Barton Springs.
Easy = Good. Especially in the summertime.
Even my waterpolo players--who are used to rocking the 'do, don't so for recreational use.
That margarita looks divine! I could do with a couple of those already and it's not even lunch time yet. :-)
Oh how I miss the heat - proper heat where you can swim outside to be cool. It is so bloody cold here.
I wonder if Texas would suit me? Or perhaps I should return to Freo. I wish I knew.
But I so miss the heat of the sun.
Enjoy your summer.
Ahhh....I feel cooler just for looking at those pics. Maybe when my fundraiser is over I too can pop over to Deep Eddy and Barton Springs...
I still have tickets! Wanna come? It's at Lambert's Downtown.
It is so hard to keep on top of blog reading.
And if I had that pool nearby I suspect I would be even further behind...
I grew up in a small southern town with a community, spring-fed pool. It was heaven on earth. All I need is a cocktail to transport me....
Now THAT's how you should deal with the heat. Sounds great! I miss spring-filled pools, no matter where they are.
Looks like you are in for a great time! I would really love one of those PPP Margaritas!
MMmm, love the idea of a prickly pear margarita!
We're still in June Gloom here in Southern California.
I'm sending that prickly pear recipe to my sister in California...I know right where there is a patch of those she can raid. Yum.
Pour me one of those margaritas, 'k?
I'd like a margarita and some sun, please. It's been raining for weeks now.
I am so jealous of that pool, surrounded by green, wow!
Oooo, those look yummy.
And what is UP with those weird crocheted hair things that some guys wear? And especially with a swimming suit?
Damn that is HOT!! Not a fan of the hat that makes it look like he has a rock on his head
I'm with you on struggling to find time to read my favorite blogs (YOU) and needing to get cool in pools. News to me here: the prickly pear marguerita.
Damn the lack of prickly pears in Northern MN.
I've never been much for alcohol but I seriously want to try one of these Prickly Pear maragaritas of yours! Do you think they serve them in Indiana? I seriously doubt it. Glad you've gotten some relaxation at the pool in!
P.S. I sent you a blog invite to your (I think that was it, it was whatever I got off of your blogger profile). But, if you want to see my blog again, email me at
I miss you!
I'm off to have a prickly pear margarita. (And when I say that I mean vodka and diet pepsi.) But you knew that, didn't you??
happy summer!!
YOu make me laugh. And I always love a Barton Springs pic. (And seriously, the site of that dude with a hard on and a huge yarn bucket on his head? No thanks.)
those hats are glad I didn't see it, I would have had to point and laugh
I make cheater margariters all the that bad?
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