I've had clients who were into all kind of kink. Try it, they said, you'll like it.
Uh, thanks but no thanks, I was thinking.
But recently? Tried it. And I gotta tell ya. That dominance and submission business? To my great surprise, I liked it. No wait. I loved it.
It wasnt' even my idea. Who knew SAM knew anything about D & S? Let alone that he would spring it on me out of the clear blue? In the kitchen!
I was standing at the sink, cleaning up after a mediocre fantabuloso dinner, made by moi. I was just at the point of getting this stubborn, baked-on, crusted-on foodstuff off the pan when he made his move.
Or, made me move.
It went like this:
SAM, using his tired husky, most-manly, take-no-shit voice, said,
"Move out of the way. Come on. Now."
And then, using his elbow bulgy, most-manly bicep muscles, he nudged shoved me to the side and said demanded,
"Here. Let me get these dishes. You get outta here."
Now. I have never hailed myself as the submissive type. But I found myself meekly sliding over and backing away, quiet as a mouse, like a good little sub should.
I watched his back butt as he rinsed and scrubbed caressed the dishes.
And let me tell you.
I felt the earth.
Under my feet.
I decided then and there I had to grab his dishrag shirt, rip it right off his body and wipe the stove down sweat off my brow because I know he never wipes down the stove I had to have him right then and there.
So, interested readers, do you feel your heart beat intensifying?
Well, as much as I'd like to give you more, that's all you get. There's your glimpse.
Sorry, but an old kitchen hag a demure and obedient submissive has to preserve the fantasy honor the vow of silence.
Oh, and men? I hope you are taking notes.
When I am asked, in all seriousness, for my professional opinion about female libido enhancements, my standard reply is this: there is only one scientifically proven female aphrodisiac -- a man with a scrub brush in his hand.
Now go and spring some of these moves on your special someone and see what happens.
Image source: Here. Well, on second thought, I'd rather not link there.