I came up with Coffee Yogurt one night in December several years ago. I didn't know what the blogsphere was all about. I was looking for some virtual connection with fellow psychologists. What I came across was a bevy of witty, creative, humorous and real people bloggers. So, I did what any sane 40-something on winter vacation would do: Take up residence.

Before you could say psychoanalysis I had clicked on the Create a Profile button. Presto-chango I had to come up with a moniker for myself. Hmmm. I gave it some about 15 seconds worth of thought. What was something I love and couldn't live without? I spied the empty cup of coffee yogurt on my coffee table.
Lurrve Dannon's coffee yogurt since I sold it at the local dairy convenience store - my first real job. The unwritten, unspoken rule was - if it was sold on the shelf it could be consumed on premises.
Dannon is the yogurt I love but have all but stopped buying because two of my teens seem to love it more than me, even, and those cute little white plastic cups I purchase on sale only pretty much disappear by the next afternoon. Fear not the empty nest; welcome the Dannon-stocked refrigerator shelves.
And in case you don't mind a further trip down the sentimental path, I miss Dannon's waxy cardboard cups. I miss the pleated lids that you had to lift and unfold in accordion fashion, to reveal the tabbed, round, colorful cardboard discs.
Not a very deep or insightful reason for the change. But then, some of us shrinks are not known for our profound insights. We're known for figuring out the problem and fixing it. Fast.
Well, maybe not so fast, but it's done.
When a Shrink Gets On The Couch is the name of my blog. Shrink on the Couch will be my stamp of visitation.
For the time being.
Change is good. I took a baby step and change the Mom of my blog title to Me.
Same person, different name! I like the new look of the blog!
Blog names are so weird. I changed my blog name but only a month or two after starting it, and only by a spelling change. What was weird for me was changing my "me" name, but that seems to have worked, over time.
I think gaura will grow for you - it's drought tolerant. do try it. The deer in my garden don't seem to eat it.
I had to change mine last summer and went through an interim name while I tried to come up with something perfect. The epiphany never came.
Pseudonymous High School Teacher. first name. Was supposed to be an experiment blog.
3 years later I switched to middle school.....
And wanted the Department of Education not to track me down....
I like your new title. Maybe a little because I like my shrink.
It is a fine name. And I love (being lazy as I am) that it has just automatically popped up in Google Reader.
I like the name change and the new look. Truth be know, I could use some of your services,too. But I will stick to just reading.
I'm glad I read this post. You commented on my blog this morning, and I thought you were new -- but it's only the name that's new. :)
smalltownme -- oh yeah! you know I thought it used to be Mom but figured it was my memory playing tricks. (not at all sure it's a baby step, though. sounds like a big step to me!)
aunt snow -- I will look into guara for sure, then. thanks. always looking for color that will thrive in this heat.
pseudo -- I understand completely, the not wanting to be tracked down (truck down?)
mary -- Ok, good to hear this. I was afraid bloggers would think I was pulling a fast one.
coffeypot -- I need some of my services too. Can't afford my own fees, my truth be known.
lisa -- same ole me but in new clothes.
i love you no matter what you call yourself. just so you know.
i like this, by the way....
what? smalltownmom changed???? how did i not see that??? jeez louise!! talk about not paying attention.
so sorry about that....i wonder what else i have missed.....
Phew! I was worried you were going away.
Are you moving to a new URL or keeping this one?
Like many people, I started my blog without really thinking about what it would be. I called it "Steve & Megan" and I took up residence at stevemegan.blogspot.com. After a year or so, I realized that there was never going to be a "Steve" on the blog (except as a supporting character) and renamed the site "Reflections in the Snow-Covered Hills". But I didn't feel like the change was complete until I moved to snowcoveredhills.com.
Hey - I love your new name and I'm proud to have known you since way back in your previous blogger life!
I will update you in my blog roll, lady. In the meantime, have a great rest of the weekend...
The new name connects to the picture better--that did always perplex me.
I'm thinking of changing my name to "Juggling Nothing" when the last of the kids leave home!
I've never tried Dannon coffee yogurt, and I've always meant to. That said, I love the new name!
I have kept the name of both of my blogs, but I keep changing the templates. I'm sure it drives some readers crazy. I just love messing around with the Template Designer.
I'm glad that I finally tracked you down. I remember "coffee yogurt" and wasn't sure who "shrink on the couch" was.
Anyway, once a Jersey girl, always a Jersey girl. It's in the blood. Remember that!
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!
I really like the new look.
I have thought of changing my blog name but it keeps me from turning onto Andy Rooney - I feel guilty complaining too much when I am supposed to be Mrs. Brightside!
And I do remember the old Dannon package - bigger and more interesting. Always loved their thick & creamy vanilla until I found Greek yogurt.
I like the new name. It's nice to mix it up sometimes.
Hi you!
I have had a long and sometimes difficult time with my blog name too and god knows I've had a difficult time with the whole shabang anyway -oh I'm back again by the way - but I actually thought that if you change the name, the whole computer explodes.
Hmmm, I must have a look at it again. Mind you, I've come full circle and am happy with the title again.
Way to reinvent!
I miss those old yogurt cups, too. And I understand the need to rebrand yourself after a fashion.
See now, I always thought you liked coffee AND yogurt. Coffee yogurt never occurred to me.
And of course I remember the wax cups. They were great. The other dear departed thing is the dutch apple yogurt they used to have. Mmm.
Are you changing the URL, or just the name?
I know what you mean! I never intended to be known as vodkamom. I was searching for names and so many were taken, and then that's what I landed on.
it helps that I DO love v. But still.
and change IS good.
It's good to change the nightie every now & then.
I think it is a wonderful change, and obviously very fitting. I've loved Coffee Yogurt for years and I know I will continue to love you on the couch.
hooray! love the new name! I miss you. Hope all is well!!
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