A huge thanks and nod of appreciation to my regular readers who haven't given up on me. Especially those who continue to leave comments despite my EPIC FAIL as a reciprocal blogger.
My excuses are as follows.
Work has been kicking my boo-tay.
Playing limousine driver to my not terribly grateful twin tweens has been kicking my boo-tay.
My husband's rants about the Aggies leaving the Big 12 Conference and joining the SEC have forced me to feign active listening whilst playing Pogo's Poppit ad infinitum.
As you can see, it hasn't been all work and no play (see Poppit). I've been getting to bed earlier and doing more reading. Of the book variety. Rah! My favorite genre, historical fiction. Pithy reviews for those who share my enthusiasm:
Jude Morgan's Charlotte and Emily: A Novel of the Brontes was somewhat slow but one I could sink my teeth into. I can't get enough of 19th Century women authors.
In Manette Ansay's Good Things I Wish You, a contemporary woman writer speculates on the relationship between pianist Clara Schumann and her husband's protege, Johannes Brahms, while also relating to their mutual hardship of balancing career and motherhood. Good stuff.
So here I am, between books, with the aim of reconnecting to bloggerville and finding more entertaining and intellectually stimulating ways to pretend listening. Let's see how well I do.
Yay we sound totally book compatible and those are now on my to-read list!
Glad you are back, and look forward to what ever.
Hooray for more reading!
Listen, we all have to take commenting breaks and none of us can take it personally. No guilt allowed.
Other non fiction book recs -
Destiny of a Nation, about President Garfield and his assassination. Riveting.
Death in the City of Lights, about a serial killer in Paris during the occupation. Gruesome but I couldn't put it down.
The Wilder Years, about a writer who spent a year visiting various sites associated with Laura Ingalls Wilder and Little House on the Prairie books. I stayed up until 1am reading it.
Never feel guilty about having a "real life" my friend. If a break is what is needed, a break is what you take! Friends understand, and wait for your return :) It's all good.
I often take bloggy breaks - I think it's good for the soul. And as much as I love blogs, I love to sink into a good book now and then.
The first download to my nook was The Dovekeepsers. A bit repetitive in parts but otherwise excellent.
I am trying to be more spotty with my blogging and commentsing otherwise I never get anything done.
And I remember the tween taxi days very well.
Don't feel so bad. Blogging is time-intensive, and sometimes "real life" gets in the way!
But there is always time to read!
I think it's going around--I've only been getting to blogs a couple of times a week instead of daily. I think it's a good thing when life interferes a bit.
I've been drawn back into my offline life too! So much to do in a non virtual world.
So that's how you spell bo-tay! Stop appologizing, at least for the not-blogging indiscretion!
Keep passing on the book titles, lady! Being busy reading is the best excuse, never shame in it!
I've been a bit hopeless at blogging, lately, so I hadn't even noticed :p
Don't feel pressured. You're staying on my blogroll.
Never make excuses for your wee blog. Its your space, you blog when you want to and say exactly what you want to, when you want to.
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