Am I willing to march with the 99% protesters?
Meh. Not so much.
Am I willing to march with the 90% protesters?

Hell to the yeah!
Who can support this growing economic disparity? Better question: What the hell is wrong with Tea Partiers and other tax cut harpers who think the way out of this recession is more of the same?
Thank you Mother Jones for the above chart and others that point out the glaring unfairness faced by the middle class and the poor.
I've been wishing i could go to NYC to occupy for a day or two.
one of the best reasons for occupying i read on facebook: "What sort of person thinks there is nothing wrong with asking the folks tasked with teaching our children to take a 20% cut on a $50,000 annual salary, but thinks it's a terrible idea to ask millionaires to pay an additional 3% more in taxes??"
It just seems so obvious to me and for the life of me I can't understand the backlash--espcially from the people who live in the middle of the shocking disparity.
If I didn't have to fly to get there, I'd march on Wall Street. The Wall Streeters who fed the crash never got what they had coming and are back to bonus-city.
I put the issues in our financial system down to three things: 1)Greed--in politicians, corporate interests and the wealthy who fund the first and own the second. 2)Poor educational systems--teaching to the test rather than critical thinking and basics like writing, math and science. We wouldn't have so many idiots in government and a massive Tea Party movement if there were more critical thinkers in the populace. 3)Apathy or fatigue of many low and moderate income voters who have their hands full trying to make a living in a diving economy, and raising families in troubled times.
It's shocking how so many people don't get it. The disparity is SO significant. Modern serfdom, really.
I do not favor a tax increase that would be used to continue the shenanigans that our politicians, democrat or republican, carry out with our monies.
There is SO much wasted monies in the welfare system... so much abuse.
There is SO much wasted monies in the education system... do remember that I am a teacher, so I see this first hand.
We simply aren't efficient with the monies we already collect and spend...
I do not favor the president wanting to increase taxes to support the jobs plan he is currently promoting. Versions I and II have not proven to be successful, but instead, have resulted in great amounts of those monies being wasted...
There is no doubt that tieing the Stop the War protests to the ecomomic protests makes sense because that is where sooo much money has gone for the past 10 years. I am not sure why journalists and pundits don't get that.
There is a rally in Oakland, CA this weekend and I am going unless my sick college girl comes home for TLC. I am thinking of sign slogans...
A to the men!
We are fighting a war for the future of this country.
Please do not include me with the 99% ers I'm just getting by in life but the government dosen't owe me anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We owe America as John F. Kennedy said if you want a better life do something about it. I just want the government out of my life and give me back my FREEDOMS and NOT HANDOUTS.
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