Wednesday, February 09, 2011

addendum I want the Texas lege to consider

In my last post I commented on this sonogram legislation proposal currently up for debate in the Texas legislature. Now that I've had time to think on it, I recommend the Texas Senate committee consider the following addendum:

Before a man can be approved for a vasectomy he first needs to watch a series of videos showing cute little baby sperms fertilizing the ovum.

Serious videos and not so serious videos such as this one or my personal favorite, Super Sperm:

And then the vasectomy wannabe-recipient will need to watch a series of cute baby videos. You know, the kind of babies that he could possibly fertilize with his sperm. Sweet, cute, cuddly, laughing babies.

In case he doesn't realize what his sperm could produce if he didn't get the procedure.

In case he needs his state legislature to inform him.


Unknown said...

perhaps he should be forced to watch that every time before he jacks off

Coffeypot said...

Or maybe he shouldn't be fathering a baby he has no desire to have. It seems to me to be a selfish thing for a man to do unless he has an abnormality he doesn't want to pass on to offspring. Some men do not need to be fathers.

slow panic said...

oy. that's what i say to the Texas lege and their like minded counterparts around the country. oy.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I'm so sick of this whole thing. I was hearing talk about tightening the rules on using federal funds to pay for abortions and now they're trying to figure out how to avoid doing it even in cases of rape. I want to barf. Or hit someone.

Kori said...

Thanks so much for visiting!!! I really appreciate your comments! Have a great day...Kori xoxo

Jocelyn said...

I love you. LOVE you.

Bunch of mo-fos.

Kathleen Scott said...

What I want the legislature to do is find the money for education (while getting rid of the dufus curriculum clowns). And use the park money for the parks.

Tammy said...

Great ideas!

Susan said...

It would be more effective to make men watch movies of their money being spent on child rearing - they hate it when it hits them in the wallet. She the minivan vs. the sports car. Camping out vs. Beaches Resort vacations.

JCK said...

Amen, sister.