Monday, September 20, 2010

pay attention, guys

And speak up, women. If you're saying it's okay, how is he to know? You'd think it would be a no-brainer but when someone is told "no big deal," often enough, he starts to believe it. Be as generous to yourself as you want him to be.

This postcard is courtesy of PostSecret.


Mental P Mama said...

Powerful card. And so true....

slow panic said...

it's tricky. it shouldn't be but it is.

shrink on the couch said...

slow panic - it is definitely tricky. even with same partner over the years, can be tricky.

judi/Gmj said...

what if ya add the spice, pull out first... just saying.

Jason, as himself said...

You sing it sister!

I just fake my orgasms if he finishes first.

andrea frazer said...

I will be the obnoxious one here and say that my husband really does do it for me pretty much every time. But part of that is because he takes so friggin' long to get his own business done that I don't have much of a choice. Sounds like a lovely problem to have, but when you're tapping his butt to "hurry up" as opposed to "wooo hoo partner" it can get a bit, um, chaffing.

And that is offically the most info I have ever left on a blog - and I write a sex column for fxxx sake!

Susan said...

Especially tricky as you get into the menopausal years where things are much more iffy.

Fantastic Forrest said...

Good God. When I read this, I thought she was complaining that he finished his dinner before her.


Am I that clueless?! Actually, I have a problem with my husband taking forever to finish his dinner. And, no, that is not a euphemism. The rest of the family is ready to leave the table and he's still slogging away. Sort of like when we're in a museum and he's still reading the first exhibit when we're ready to go on to the next floor.

Though we are annoyed, we do not hate and resent him.

Okay, now I am just rambling....

shrink on the couch said...

FF -- Think of this postcard as a projective test. You project onto it the dilemma you are most plagued about. And the forever dinner is yours. Which is a much preferred to the other type of finishing too soon :)

slc said...

This person's passivity irks me. He asks, she should be truthful. Both are responsible for good.

slc said...

good sex.

Coffeypot said...

Wait! You mean the woman is suppose to finish, too? You sure? I mean...damn...who would have thunk it.

Anonymous said...

Generally, I don't publish on blogs, but I would like to say that this weblog really forced me to do so! Many thanks, truly good publish.

Dr. Deb said...

Fantastic Forrest's comment made me lol!

Mrs. G. said...

Tricky for sure, but I can't help but feel most men would like to know even if it hurts to hear it at first. Plus resentment does not belong in a bed. I would suggest having this type of discussion outside of the bedroom.

bernthis said...

the crap women put up with is astonishing

Fragrant Liar said...

Wow. Fascinating card. I am for equal time, equal happy ending. I'll qualify that to 95% of the time.

Sinda said...

I saw that one the other day too & it made me sad. Ya really got to speak up.

Nick said...

Awww, that's a nice poster about couples having supper together. Well, you know, men do have big appetites.

Jenn @ Youknow...that Blog? said...

Wow! Sad, and also makes me want to smack that gal. You have to speak up, or how in the world is he supposed to get it right? Communication is key, folks. In pretty much every aspect of marriage, and life in general. Sometimes it's a good idea to take the reigns yourself, too, and change things up a bit. I make my husband nervous sometimes. That's how I like my men though. A little on edge. ;)

Glennis said...

Like Andrea, I seem to have the opposite problem.