cowgirls and cowpokes.
You don't want to miss this.
The latest in a long line of Texas' finest
guv-mint 'fishals
spoutin' off at the mouth.

Without further ado, I inner-duce you
to one of Texas' State Representatives,

Debbie Riddle, Republican from Tomball, Texas.
Don't know whar Tomball is?
Why it's just east 'o Waller, down the road a middlin' from Stagecoach.
Whut? Don't know whar Stagecoach is?
It's up the road a piece from Houston-town.

So go 'head on. Watch the clip.
Where Anderson Cooper gets all swole up talkin' to Rep. Riddle on her claim that,
pregnant women are coming to the U.S. as tourists, having babies, and then going back home, quote, with the nefarious purpose of turning them into little terrorists who will then come back to the U.S. and do us harm as part of an organized terror element.

Terrorist babies. Now if that don't put pepper in yer gumbo!
Rep. Riddle goes on to spin a yarn that "it is common knowledge" that 81% of babies born in one Houston hospital are "anchor babies."
You know what that is, don't chee? Anchors are babies born to illegal aliens (undocumented immigrants to you and me) in the U.S. so they can later brang more immigrant relatives to soak up our well-far (tax payer supported health care).
But these anchors want more than our well-far. They're gonna be trained terrorists who come back to the U.S. and blow up our cars an' buildings an' ever'thang!

Contacted by staff from the Austin American Statesman, Riddle stated she "shouldn't have talked about the terror babies."
Whut? Nuh -uh! Of course you should, Missus Riddle! We Amaricans have a right to be cattle-prodded into voting booths out of fear of infant terror cells spewing out in our very own hospitals.
Who cares that Riddle's facts don't squar?
Facts she got from an opinion piece written by fellow republican and State Senator Dan Patrick, R-Houston. How 'bout that? Another republican't. Well, I'll just swaney!
Truth is, where truth equals fact published on paper, closer to 60% of mothers giving birth in Houston hospitals are undocumented. That's a sobering statistic, to be sure, but it ain't nowhar close to no 81%.
But hold yer horses. Only "a few percentage points" off, according to State Senator Patrick.
Hell fire f-ck, that man does some wondrous 'rithmatic.
But I'll swan that Riddle and Patrick know what their fellow Texans have to say about opinions:
They're like assholes. Some are just louder and smellier than others.

click here to see what this picture of "W" is made of
Dad'gum right.
Here's the clip again if you want to take a gander. Worth every one of them thar eleven minutes.
I love the way, at the end, she figgers out she's bitten off more than she can swally so she lapses into the usual clap-trap, "The people of Texas are demanding that our border be secure!"
Do you think by we Texans she's including the 37% that's hispanic?

P.S. I tried to embed the clip. "Embedded disabled by request." Hmm. I wonder who doesn't want this clip going viral?