Not with the cold, white stuff, unfortunately. Wouldn't mind trading in for some of that. No, I'm plowed under with the post-holiday residue.
You know, the ...

crumpled wrapping paper, didn't quite make it into black garbage bag
empty shirt boxes
pile of truffle wrappers, embarrassingly large
dried orange peelings
pine needles
fireplace ash
crocheted afghan crumpled on floor, displaced by new, plush snuggle throw
digital watch instructions, printed so small, impossible to read
lost gift card, lost gift receipt, lost mind
It didn't always look like this.
Happy Holidays-Almost-Over, bloggy friends!
LOL. I feel better about my own house now;) Thanks!
Whoa. I'm shocked!
Hahaha, not really. My house has looked like this many a time, and I couldn't even blame it on the holidays. Just four kids. That'll do it.
Happy New Year!
Today is my take down the tree day. It's possible I love it more than the putting up the tree day.
Stalker much?? How you managed to get a picture of my living room is beyond me!!
Don't worry, I suspect this is the norm for most of us in the days after Christmas ;)
Hope yours was as great as mine, and your New Years is filled with bright lights and laughter.
Every single Christmas I try to be more tidy, and every year my house ends up looking like a bomb just hit it! So I know exactly how you feel... luckily I'm running away to spend New Year with friends so I probably won't worry about it too much until next year!
It looks like a goo time was had by all.
That is EXACTLY what my house looks like right now!
We're right there with you my friend, just not brave enough to admit it with photographic evidence is all.
It's 3:30 and all I want is a nap.
Sad, really.
Hope you have an amazing start to the year, once you, you know, dig out of there.
I loaned my dishwasher detergent to my mother since we were over there for holiday dishes... this is the excuse I am using for not being able to do MINE.
lol, looks like a happy house, to me
I can try to blame my mess on the holidays, but everyone would know I was lying. It always looks like a wreck.
Want me to come over and help? lol
Happy Holidays!!!
You had truffles for Christmas breakfast? What a great idea! So glad you all had a wonderful time.
Thank you for your comment on my post this morning, "It Could Always Suck Worse". I was hesitant to post it, and appreciated seeing your words.
Happy Holidays right back at ya! Wow, your place looks just like mine. I am so glad it's over.
Happy Holidays right back at ya! Wow, your place looks just like mine. I am so glad it's over.
Good luck digging out!
As I write this I am taking down Christmas. Which means...dusting off surfaces before replacing them with the stuff we have up every day. Twice the work. The paper clutter mostly went away a few days ago, but I'm more than ready for the decorations to be packed away for another year.
Agggghhhh. I like that you put the beauteous picture last though; I will keep that in my mind's eye.
Merry merry!
I'm not alone!!!!!! Thank you!
Debland is back up and running. If you want to come by, you're always welcome!
Looking forward to reading you again...
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