Friday, October 02, 2009

the big O's

I don't know about any of y'all, but I'm actually relieved to learn that Chicago wasn't chosen as the host city for the 2016 summer Olympics.

It settles something I've been worried about for more than a year, now:

Obama is not the anti-Christ.


Ok, so can we all switch back to the important mission of health care reform? And that means you, too, Mr. President. Ahem. The ball does appear to be dropping.

And not in a swoosh-nothing-but-net kinda way.

Rather, in a $13K-annual-premiums-plus-$4500-deductable kinda way. As in, I'd like to help stimulate this economy back to good health but I can't because I'm drowning in health care expenses.

So pardon me if I'm not altogether blown away with excitement that a South American country, for the first time in history, will be hosting the Olympics. Or blown away with disappointment that Chicago won't be hosting.

But I will be blown away if this great country of ours can't figure out how to legislate a public option.

As always, it's about choice. And I am all about choice. All ways.


Karen Jensen said...

Amen, Sister.

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Yes, please and posthaste. *sigh*

Heather T said...

I second Professor J's sentiments.

blognut said...

Well all righty then!

As someone who lives 40 miles outside the city of Chicago, I can honestly say that I would've been happy to get the Olympics, and I'm just happy not to get the Olympics. It's all okay by me.

And I'm with you on healthcare reform. Let's get that done already!

Mental P Mama said...

Amen. And, phew.

Reinvent Dad said...

The big O's pulled me in...I guess I was anticipating a topic on the big "O" - my bad, mind in gutter..sorry.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

The prospects appear to be getting dimmer and dimmer.

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand why some people are so against health care reform. Why are some Americans so reluctant to pay more taxes? Besides the fact that it's just plain selfish and inhumane not to make sure every member of society gets good health care, doesn't it make more financial sense to make sure people's health care issues are taken care of now, before they become really expensive?

Glennis said...

Hey, the guy tried but it didn't go our way. They had to pick a city, they did. The other cities are all "losers" - or not. Life goes on.

Politics is like baseball. No one bats 1000 - a 300+ batting average is awesome enough.

The same news cycle brought a story about a breakthrough in negotiations with Iran. What's important here?

Lee said...

I second your opinion.

Helena said...

London's hosting it in 2012. I'm soo not looking forward to it. They said it would be great because it would bring tourists to the city. Well, there already ARE millions of tourists in London. And as for my tax-money going to building new swimming pools and running tracks... not happy!

Kathleen Scott said...

Me too.

It's scary that health-care is in the hands of politicians. They can't manage budgets or roads or playing together...

I'm having a hard time keeping up with what's what. Any suggestions as to sites with clear comparisons?

Stacie said...

Amen Sister! Amen!!!

apathy lounge said...

Ditto what you said!

Grandy said...

DITTO!!!!! :)

Fragrant Liar said...

I hear ya! Who the hell cares if Chicago didn't get it? He gave it a shot and it didn't work out -- another who the hell cares moment. But healthcare? Yeah, git'er done, Prez!

Pete said...

Ditto what they all said. Amen and pass the baton (ball, yoghurt?) to healthcare reform. Rio hey? Could be cool. And viva the Southern Hemisphere!

Tammy said...

Everyone else has said it so well, Amen sista!!!

Ash said...

You're so right!

The economy recovery has ground to a halt because the big boys/girls is Washington D.C. can't get it together.

Health care, lending recovery, Cap and Trade, etc. You can probably guess where I stand on a lot of it, but right about now, I'd love to just get the heck out of limbo!!

Hey, that's a Catholic thing, right?

And Chicago, yeah, they dodged a financial bullet. Except for all the officials who bought up the cheap land to make some serious cash when the venues were built. Oops.

Jenn@ You know... that blog? said...

Agreed, and I'm not even American ;)

I hope you folks get your health care situation sorted out soon!

Jocelyn said...

In Obama's defense, it WAS his 17th anniversary the other day, so he could hardly think about health care when he and Michelle needed to go have pistachio-encrusted halibut.

Anonymous said...

I guess issues like who hosts the next olympics work as distractions from the real issues like health care. Perhaps they hope that we'll forget about the real issues in the mean time.

shrink on the couch said...

Anon -- that's what I was thinking.