Today it was announced that former House Majority Leader, Tom Delay, will be Dancing with the Stars this season.
What's that going to be like, I wonder?
Will we be treated to the smiling mug of twinkle-toes-Tom, whipping the majority of the audience into a frenzy, exterminating the competition?
Or, more likely, will we see hammer-toes-Tom, leading his partner with a powerful hand down K Street, stomping on her pretty liberal feet whenever she doesn't follow his conservative moves?
Typically I'm not a huge fan of the show, but you can bet I'll be casting my vote this season to send him back to Sugarland.
you have GOT to be kidding me.
I think we should stall the show with a filibuster.
I've never watched the show. But I just wanna see how he dances!
Better Dancing with the Stars than as House Majority Leader.
vodka mom -- I know, right? Who wants to see Tom Delay dance? (besides those who despise him?)
prof J -- according to his daughter, he's light as a feather on his feet.
jenn -- you got that right! times two hundred.
That is pretty weird.
I'm going to watch. With popcorn. The entertainment value is going to be huge.
I think you must be kidding....
well . i m going to watch.
I thought he was in jail.
LOL. And I'll be right there with ya. You betcha.
Ah, yes, a reason to vote! I've never done that.
Now I have to go check the other members of the new cast.
Not that I have no life and am wayyyyyyyy into this stuff.
Hahahaha! I'm so glad I don't watch that show.
I bet he will be off by episode 2.
Who's his partner, that's what I want to know?
How'd you like to be paired with the Bugman?
Full disclosure of my Liberal Bias - I think he is a creep.
Although, OTOH - maybe he'd be more sympathetic to funding arts education after this experience.
Are you SERIOUS?
Me too.
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Really? Is this really true? Queue up the drinks, friends. This one we've got to see!
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