Thursday, February 19, 2009

when men should run things

Gotee Man posted a bit about a Georgia woman who took a stand against conventional wife-wisdom.

Reminded me of something a longtime friend said. A stonemason, he lives a continent away and visited recently. We hadn't seen him in a year or so. He's the kind of guy who always surprises. Just when you think you've got him figured out, you do a double take.

His wife didn't make the trip. Bummer. I like her a lot, liked her from the first moment we met. She's warm, intelligent and she doesn't take shit from nobody, least of all Stonemason.

Another old friend of Stonemason's, a rather conventional man, accompanied all of us to an outdoor gathering. We were making small talk, standing around waiting to leave for a boat ride.

Stonemason turned to his friend and said,

I've been married 25 years now. Can you believe that? Yeah, after 25 years, I pretty much run things.


Stonemason continued,

Yeah, after 25 years you accumulate a lot of appliances. A dishwasher, washing machine, garbage disposal ... So... yep. I run every single one of 'em.

Ahh, that's more like it.


blognut said...

Funny! When I saw the title, 'when men should run things,' I actually spoke the word NEVER right out loud!

shrink on the couch said...

my kinda gal! (unless it's my husband and power tools, that is .. power tools of all varieties, big and small)

flutter said...

that is fabulous.

Mary said...

My husband, bless him , isn't particularly good at running those things either.

Best I leave him to run his lawyering - which he is very good at...

GoteeMan said...

Aw... what a sweet post...

that's about the only kind of "running things" I do... have to keep it all going...

J/ (

Sunny said...

lol, that's life!

Mental P Mama said...

Now there's a keeper!

Anonymous said...

You gotta love a man who runs those things!

Anonymous said...

I like him!

David said...

Life as I know it!
Well done!

Heather T said...

Love. It.

bernthis said...

Hahahahaha Phew, I thought perhaps he thought he was actually in charge. Glad we got that all straightened out.

Deb said...

I'm so glad I got to the ending of that!!! I was worried for a minute!

Alison said...

I think having read that joke sometime last year is a sad indictment on the plight of Australian women.


The bastard deserved it. Tee Hee.

Kirsetin Morello said...

"I pretty much run things." I love that! This is a great post - it says so much with just a few words and a funny story. I love that, too!

Reinvent Dad said...

After 25 years, consider him TRAINED! After almost 17 years I suppose I am as well.

Anonymous said...

Whew! You had me going there for a minute.

Margo said...

a man who runs things with as sense of humor. I love that.

Stacie said...

AND fix them....Fixing them is very important too.

contemporary themes said...

Ah, the way it should be!

Maggie May said...


Pearl said...

Now THAT I have respect for!

dkuroiwa said...

That was good!!

Then again...i'm here with someone who may be able to run those kind of things too, he just doesn't very often...if he weren't cute with a quirky sense of humor and nice butt, there might be problems!

JCK said...

:)Too funny.