According to one source, and I can't verifiy it's reliability, about half of people who view this video do not see the gorilla due to the phenomenon of "inattentional blindness." My husband SAM said "put a nekkid woman in there and I bet people wouldn't miss it." Ah. He'd sweep up the research grant money with that proposal.
Inattentional blindness may help explain the higher rate of car accidents by cell phone users. It may also explain why lifeguards have trouble seeing bodies at the bottom of the pool. Finally, and I have no reference for this, it may explain why my daughters never see their dirty socks strewn in the middle of the playroom floor.
To learn more about inattentional blindness, read a summary written by Daniel Simons here.
*Simons, D. J., & Chabris, C. F. (1999). Gorillas in our midst: Sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events. Perception, 28, 1059-1074.
And because I live and work in a city with so many musicians, I see a fair number in my practice. And what I see is a trend we're all familliar with: a high rate of infidelity. Musicians who can't keep their pants zipped. Traveling troubadours followed from town to town by groupies, obliging them with more than an autograph.
So now with the latest news of oxytocin, this rampant infidelity makes even clearer sense to me.
Bad news for partners of musicians, though, huh? How to feel trust when your partner is on stage oozing the hormone responsible for love, attachment and orgasms while in a room full of adoring, similarly oxytocin intoxicated fans. Add a cold beer or two and you've got a recipe for a cheatin' heart.
Here's one of Bob Schneider's best known songs: Big Blue Sea.
(For a laugh, listen to Schneider wax on about Damien Rice's hair, here.)
Leave it to TheBloggess to turn no comments into a badge of honor, as her handmade, "no comments got you down" picker-upper blogger-sticker shows, seen here.
Never mind the fact that, last time I clocked into her blog, she had 270-something comments compared to my whopping 8 comments. Sigh.
But, I won't hold that against her. I will just appreciate that her post made my day.
Ooops, hang on, make that 11 comments now. I'm getting there, huh?
Thank you to all of my regular commenters who regularly make my day and to new commenters, too. Always good to hear from someone new.
Oh, and lest you think I'm encouraging more exercise in the form of housework, you would be el wrongo.