Laurie at three dog blog tagged me with ... drumroll ... my first meme! I'm obviously new at this or I wouldn't be excited. To be more accurate, this is the first meme I will have completed. I believe I was tagged first by motherscribe with a six-word-meme. I had every intention of completing the meme (complememing?) but somehow I let the moment pass.
Five Blogs that Catch my Fancy. I chose the kind of blogs I went looking for when I first jumped into the blogosphere, just over six months ago. I hoped to commune with psychologists, therapists and therapy types. Not just blurbs about research and the like, but a mix of psychology, therapy, and self.
Here's my list in (more or less) alphabetical order.
alison at woman and child first shares an inviting blend of psychology, art, music, and ..... in her words, the odd bathroom sink.
ann at eclectic blog is a therapist, photographer and mommy. Wonderful warm pics featuring her divine miss em.
health psych is an ussie psychologist who mixes good health news with music and funny videos, plus bits about herself and family.
slutty mcwhore Who is this brazen hussy? I had to know. A sex worker, she does a specialized brand of "therapy," many would say. Not your ordinary slutstress, she recently earned her masters degree while training for a marathon. She keeps it honest and real and insightful.
therapy doc at everyone needs therapy is a PhD social worker and family therapist. I was immediately drawn in by her blog name, being in complete agreement. Conflict of interest aside, of course. I keep going back for her wise professional insights and personal sentiments.
Note: When I first was trying to figure out what a meme was, I thought it was pronounced me-me. (Hint for newbies, it rhymes with theme).
Awwww! Thanks for the mention!! [therapist hugs]
"Note: When I first was trying to figure out what a meme was, I thought it was pronounced me-me. (Hint for newbies, it rhymes with theme)."
hahahahhahhaha! I TOTALLY thought it was "me-me". So So glad you clarified that for me!!!!!! although i don't think i ever said the word outloud, at least now i know for if i ever do :)
It's never too late to do a meme. The six word one is awesome--you should do it.
I like me- me! I actually still don't know what a me- me is...dumb Australian huh?
Thank you for the mention too!
ann - yer welcome : )
feministgal - so it wasn't just me? man, I feel better
jenn - I agree, 6 worders are cool. I had my 6 word reply all ready for motherscribe's meme, in my head anyway. but days went by and I just never figured out how to set it all up.
alison - A meme is something that gets passed around from one culture to another, or in this context, from one blog to another. If I see a video on your blog and put it on mine, then someone sees it and puts it on theirs, then its a meme. Then there are the ones on blogs (like mine) that have these tagged elements. I tagged you which means you CAN OPT TO participate and do the meme yourself (and tag 5 others).
wikipedia has a very long, exhaustive discussion about memes. I had never heard of them until I saw mention in blogs.
I'm still waiting...still waiting for that 6 word meme. Still waiting...
And still waiting...
Blushing, CY, thanks for the mention. But is that 'ussie' as is 'hussie?' Hee.
And, actually, sniff, I'm a Brit who just took a wrong turn home one night.
Oh, and I still pronounce it 'me-me' because I figure, 'it's all about me, me'
Thanks for tagging me! But I'm confused - what am I supposed to do?! Sorry if that's obvious, but I'm exhausted and starving right now, so it's possible the answer is staring me right in the face.
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