I wonder if you would take time out of your busy spammer schedule to help me. I can't decide whether to curse you for your indecipherable comments or to thank you for providing inspiration for a late night post.
Inspiration being in short supply and all.
I also can't decide whether your dominant language is non-English or whether you've been sipping too much electric kool-aid.
Here's what I mean:
It's not clear to me what you are hawking here, precisely.
Or to which motivation you are attempting to appeal.
Do you think we bloggers want to ...

a. learn a little variation in our face-sitting technique?
b. multi-task while we face-sit?
c. join the naughty analog to Facebook?
d. other
(please specify):
Thank you and have a big day.
Yes. Well. Obviously they meant for people who baby sit for people's faces. Facesitters.
cheri -- and so what? you have something against asians?
katydidnot -- oops. is my face red.
I'm going with sitting on someone's face while watching a film. Sounds better than popcorn and candy to me.
bernthis -- depends on the film.
What--there were only pictures of plain face-sitting, not multiple face-sitting? I really wanted to see that!
jenn -- now I'm rilly ashamed! I didn't think of group-face-sitting!
I'm with Jenn's interpretation ... I was trying to work out whether it meant multiple sitters or multiple, um, seats......
I'm just going to drink my whiskey and eat my chocolate and be quiet. While I smile at your post and image that won't leave me now for days...thank you very much!
I'm so upset I can barely find words. I thought that anonymous commentor and I had something special, and now I find out Anonymous has been hawking his/her offers everywhere!
I feel so cheap and used.
I'm thinking that Cheri is missing out by not trying hot Asian girls.
huh. what kind of the place would the world be if all the people doing that kind of spamming would do something useful with their time?
Please fill me in when you find out.
Could hot Asian girls also be facesitters, or am I just a dreamer...
This post and all the comments have me laughing so hard. I'm glad my kids aren't here! "Mom, what's so funny?" "Uhhhhh... nothing"!
Thanks for taking the initiative to get to the ...um... bottom of this.
Answers are needed. Inquiring minds want to know. And, um, me...
Well, the spammers are at least good for a fun post anyway, right? Some days I get more spam than legit comments... how sad am I?! Akismet always catches them for me though, so I don't get any leakage onto the (mostly) G-rated blog.
I like your "have a big day". I might use that sometime.
Mine all speak in alliteration. It's kind of creepy after awhile, I'll be honest.
I liked this. It has helped me in my studies. Gah.
Grin and giggle.
Gives new meaning to hot lips.
Are they hiring? No, um, reason...
Sweet lord. I wonder if the pay is good.
You have to join the Facebook group Multi-face sitting otherwise you will just get the regular non-asian face sitting... unless of course you join that other group Multi-faceted face sitting, well, then you get the whole shebang.
Oh I hear you! Those comments drive me nuts. But the comments you got on this post--they are cracking me up!
I'm still laughing... I reread the post and the comments to my husband who is looking at me wide eyed. I mean C'MON! You draw boobalicious comic books with blood and sex and he's gonna looked shocked?
Oh and Phd, in light of your being an advocate of gay rights especially marriage which we are as well, my husband's comic book featured the mayor of NYC marrying two gay men. The book was nominated for a GLADD Award. Didn't win but so honored to be nominated.
I snorted with laughter. My coworkers want to know what I'm laughing about. Should I tell them?
Yes please, Lisa.
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