Saved by the bell.
Jenn's haiku bell @ you know ... that blog ?
See, I'm due for a post and feeling, uhh, uninspired. Tapped out. In a funk. Wondering who out there in the internets really gives a crap hoot what I have to say because I'm pretty sure I don't give a crap hoot what I have to say.
But then? An invite from Jenn to ring her bell with an education theme on ...

rise up, kids, school's on
morning coffee awaits mom
and sounds of silence
morning coffee awaits mom
and sounds of silence

A big thanks to all the teachers out there who show up every morning to inspire my kids. I am in awe of you. And I appreciate you.
I give a hoot crap! I'm a lousy commenter now that I have my fancy RSS feed setup, which sucks and I should work on that laziness, but I give a hoot crap.
Ohh, thank you, Deb!
As for the RSS feed setup, which I have only heard about and seen the little logo for but haven't figured out how it works, what's the deal? It makes commenting harder?
I give a hoot, too. And I so know that feeling. But hey - silence today - woo, hoo. Not all bad, even if I had to get up waaayyy to early. :)
I give a hoot, too! And that haiku is the bomb! Amen about the shout out to the wonderful teachers out there!
HOOT! <--have one, it's yours. It don't handle crap though...
Thanks for participating, even if you did so on the sly, and didn't put your link on (I did it FOR you) ;)
You're entitled to a funk every now and then, and I think you'd be the first one to tell anyone else that "it's normal"!
Never should you think that we don't give a damn about you or what you have to say though, m'dear, because it just isn't so!
Have a fabulous day! And another hoot. I've got plenty.
Great haiku! I am always in awe of teacher's energy levels...my energy level is definitely not that high!
It's great to have something like a Haiku challenge to inspire you. I find it hard to decide what to write on my blog and I just try to find something interesting to me and don't worry about who else is out there, it's more of an outlet for me than just to please someone else.
Ahh that coffee looks good! I remember my parents trying to get us ready and out the house on time for school morning - caos!
Hurray for school!
I can set you up with a feed reader if you want - and I have some tricks for keeping the commenting mojo flowing.
I always love to read your blog, hoot, hoot, hoot!!
Love the haiku, I feel the same way!
Gotcha. :)
"now haiku y selves off to school" oh yeah, that's good poetry.
By now you've been inspired by water from the sky and a good night's sleep. And if you need more, I like cabernet. Ruby musings, if you will.
And a big hurrah to the parents back at home, sipping their coffee.
Today marked my first day with both kids off all day at school. Hand to heaven, I took a three-hour nap, and suddenly, for the first time in six years, I feel myself again.
As an (exhausted beyond belief student teacher who has conquered week 1) aspiring teacher your thanks is quite nice to hear.
I would miss you if you stopped posting.
Hoot Hoot! Keep it coming, sister!
Awesome haiku! As an exhausted teacher after the first week, I could use some coffee and some silence!
This blatant attempt to get love and affirmation shows a manipulative side to you, dearest.
But I will feed your need.
I give two hoots and a crap. Not to mention a rat's ass. Mwah!
Here's a belated haiku for my child's teacher:
How sad you chose to
accede to whining parents
and not show O's speech
I've been away but I give a hoot and a crap too. As for those teachers, thank God they have a calling because that's what it has to be do what they do everyday. I never really understood haiku.
amen to that, sister!
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