Because I am such a generous and thoughtful spouse, I rented "The Wrestler" about an hour ago. SAM wants to see it. Me? Not so much. Not after hearing Fresh Air's Terry Gross interview director Darren Aronofsky. Several times she tried to pin him down on the issue of his seeming obsession with "pain." So right now SAM is sawing logs on the sofa and I am thinking I might not wake him up.
Because me? I am definately not into pain.
A love story between an aging wrestler and an aging stripper? Oh my, yes.
But I do not want to see men throwing themselves at each other in a ring, inflicting all kinds of unnecessary pain. I don't like seeing wrestling period, if you want to know the truth. Or boxing. Or fight clubs. No thanks.
So maybe I'll just keep my blog screen open and hit a few links whenever the pain begins.
Yeah, I'd definitely keep something else handy to occupy you; however, I heard that movie was really, really good. So maybe, aside from the violence, the story is what makes it worthwhile.
oh sweet jesus, the things we DO for them.
It was an excellent movie. Hard to watch yes, but an excellent story and great acting.
I agree. I don't like UFC, wrestling or boxing either...and I kind of thought fight club was dumb. Personally i RUN away when people are trying to throw me down or punch me. It's a funny quirk but it has kept me alive for 36 years!
I am so lucky that my guy doesn't get into that kind of hell.
This made me laugh. My son wants us to get this movie for him and I refuse to do it. I can't stand wrestling, and for me, its mere presence in the movie would destroy whatever engaging plot might also be there.
I haven't yet seen The Wrestler, but I have to say - there are a few movies I am glad I watched even though they were immensely painful & unsettling: Requiem for a Dream, Fight Club, and Trainspotting for example.
Hope things work out for you...
I've totally avoided this film. The Wrestler guy freaks me out a little -- gives me the creepies!
I'm with you re fighting/wrestling etc.
It is meant to be a good movie though...
Me neither, me neither, me neither!
I can't decide if I want to spend money on this one or not.
not sure i could make it through this one...
I've heard it's a great movie and worth the watch. I'm not interested in seeing it, I watched Rocky through my fingers much of the time, but will watch it if my husband rents it.
I'm kinda curious about it, except not. I saw Mickey Rourke in person, about five feet from me. He is a very weird looking guy.
Pain I can live with . Scary movies? No way. I already have way too much anxiety in my life thank you very much
Somehow I missed this one, and we try to see all the movies. Veto saw it on a road trip and reported that he didn't like it so I've stayed away. Now I might feel compelled to rent it when he is away. I agree with Bad Mom Stephanie, some fight movies are worth it.
definitely will wait until... possibly never? He can watch this one on a plane if he wants.
I heard that FRESH AIR interview and felt the director could have made a case for his following that theme of pain...I mean, pain propels so much of what we all do, all through our lives, so why be so reluctant to talk about how emotional hurts can be assuaged by making one's body hurt?
Jocelyn -- I completely agree with you. Had some of the same thoughts as I listened.
But then, I figured he was playing the PR game and didn't want to scare away sensitive movie goers like myself. The question already did that, so he should have come up with a sensible answer, such as yours, and I would have been more compelled to see it, instead of weeny-ing away.
I say your pour a nice glass of wine and congratulate yourself on being such a fine wife. Let the man sleep. He's tired!
I'll probably rent it eventually, but I'm so not into pain, violence, man's inhumanity to man, and killing of children. Not sure what has made me so "sensitized" over the past few years. I suspect that it may have something to do with having children.
That said, sounds like a touching story. You're very kind to watch the movie with your man!
What was the final verdict on the film? I'm ambivalent about seeing it myself.
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