Shame on the Tennessee Department of Revenue, Taxpayer and Vehicle Services for denying their citizen, Ms. Whitney Calk's personalized license request because they jumped to the conclusion that she intended something "vulgar."
Leave it to a red state, pork barbecue eating, bible belt bureaucrat to miss the wholesome, health promoting,
true intent of a vegetarian enthusiast.
Redeem yourself, Tennessee. Get your collective minds out of the gutter. Reach into the depths of your government issued desk drawers and find the rubber stamp that says
and give Ms. Calk the freedom of expression our American forefathers intended. Just like you did for this upstanding Tennessee citizen:
Is it a bad sign that I probably won't have read TOFU either?
But I agree - let the woman express herself.
What Cheri said....
K -- Me neither. I saw the FU just the way the TN bureaucrat saw it. Tough one whether they should let that one out into the public domain.
I read the plate twice, then read your post, and I had to go back and study the plate again to figure out what was wrong with it. (And I teach junior high, so it's not like I never hear a dirty joke.)
About 10 years ago, our school report cards still used a letter system to assign citizenship grades to kids. (It was replaced with a number code.) H = honors, S= satisfactory, N= needs improvement, and U= unsatisfactory. There was something very, very satisfying about being able to tell a kid who was both failing and being a total turd in class: F U on his report card.
I miss those days. ;)
Not to be crude, but did anyone else notice her last name?
What's NOT to love about tofu?
There's always a way somehow to piss someone off... :oD
I didn't read 'tofu' innocently... probably says something about my mindset... :oD
In CA you have to write an explaination of the meaning on the vanity plate application.
That might have helped her and nixed the one in the photo!
Yeah . . . I didn't get tofu. But, I did get WTF, for sure.
I'm with Cheri. No tofu.
But still....what's wrong with Tennessee?
Clearly she meant the more crass interpretation...because who could ever love tofu?
Yea, yea, yea, I've heard from approximately twenty-fifty of my vegetarian friends that they can make tofu I will actually like.
My friends are liars.
i seriously don't get how WTF was okayed....really. i don't. and i'll be honest....i didn't read 'tofu' either...then..when i did get it...i might have chuckled.
and dammit.
i want a sandwich now, too....with a dill pickle slice on the side.
I have news for you, they do it in California too, which is decidedly NOT a red state. I bristle at government on either side telling people what they can say on their own property
My husband had one refused here on the left coast before, but I can't remember what terribly offensive thing he was lobbying for...it wasn't tofu - god, no - but something we thought would be fun, but no go.
Wow! ;D
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