Sunday, October 31, 2010

man up, glenn beck and cry some real tears now

If you were one of the seventeen million people who attended The Rally to Restore Sanity like I did, which is to say, in spirit, you will appreciate this re-cap in pictures:

If you haven't seen enough, you can see more pictures here.

Update: I originally spelled Glenn with only one "n." Which made me think, isn't spelling Glenn with two "n's" kind of gay?


Sandra said...

I'm not American, but this post was so good! I smiled the entire this the line for Justin Bieber tickets?...hilarious! I admire anybody who can come up with humour during a protest.

Mental P Mama said...

LOL...if only......

Fragrant Liar said...

HA! Those signs are great. I wish I could have been there. I wanted to be, but just could't swing it. I'm glad it went off so well, but the Right is still dismissing it as a totally liberal rally. :-(

Fantastic Forrest said...

It was great! We watched it via live streaming, and the kids and I cheered and clapped as loudly as if we had been there.

Loved all these pics. :-)

Kathleen Scott said...

My favorite was: Who would Jesus bomb?

But there was a lot of good goin' on. Looks like the best political party in years.

Susan said...

I don't even care what the other guys are saying. I am so glad that this rally happened and that people went and got so into it! I looked at over 300 photos of the signs and the crowd. I so wish I could have been there.

Magpie said...

I rather wish I'd gone. But my sister and sister-in-law did! Great signs.

slow panic said...

Finally -- people with signs worth reading.

Pamela said...

Thank you so much for that! I have a FB friend who went and said it was madness...

Jennifer said...

Spelling counts. Heh. :)

This rally had the best signs.

Life As I Know It said...

Oh, I so wish I still lived in DC just so I could have been there.
Love those signs (and Jon Stewart, too, of course ;))

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Finally--some signs of sense.

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Funny stuff.

Chris Rodell said...

Love it! I'm glad I'm on the side of the wits (and not the dim ones).

Glennis said...

Love it. So glad you were able to go. It must have been fun.

JCK said...

Loved this post, and the visuals. The one "n" in Glenn Beck as opposed to 2...